Just because a lot of TV is stupid doesn't mean we have to be.

Friday, July 23, 2010

So You Think You Can Dance: Making it up as they go along

Last night's So You Think You Can Dance "ouster" episode had no ouster, which they all tried to paint as so shocking and brave and crazy, but really, American Idol et all has pulled this trick so many times that as far as I was concerned, it wasn't *if* SYTYCD would do it, it was *when.*

The bottom three was composed of Jose and Robert based on votes, and Billy based on weenieness. Having injured his knee and then been cleared for dancing by doctors and then opting out of dancing puts Billy in the Permanent Dog House (as opposed to the warm and snuggly Cat House) for me.

This really is a brutal season in terms of ousters at this point because they are all so great in their own ways. It took me a while to get used to the All-Star aspect and the fact there were only 10 instead of 20, but I like it now. There is some kick-ass dancing going on here.

So the judges were all "oooo, look what we did" when Nigel announced that no one would go home, and next week two will shuffle off stage left instead. Honestly, I would've booted Billy, but I do see their point.

As for the two dance-for-your-life solos that we had last night, Jose was the clear winner, as Robert opted to redo his solo from the Wednesday night performance show, while our B-Boy whipped out an entirely new routine that involved cool trick after cool trick. Seriously, he set that stage on fire.

And as for Nigel's statement to both Jose and Robert about their lack of growth? Whut? Did you see Jose do the Sonya routine on the edge of the stage? That was fabulous. And while I agree that the paso doble was weird in that it was both hetero-erotic and homo-erotic at the same time, I think he more than held his own with the far-more-technically-proficient Adechike on that. And Robert is already so great, so tall and long and lanky and bendable and personable.

But I still maintain that all of the above points are moot, as the final two will be Lauren and Kent, and Kent will win in what will be the biggest landslide in SYTYCD history.

What do you think?


  1. Will you please watch The Bachelorette next time it comes around, not because it's a good show, but because I have hilarious dreams about what you would write about it...

  2. I am very upset about this season. The Thursday shows are a waste of time. Some of the choreography has been amazing, but the rest of the show has been so frustrating. I blame the "Top 11" format. The reason the dancers are being injured is because they had to do a lot of dancing immediately, as opposed to one number/on group number and a possible solo when we begin with 20. Their bodies aren't used to all of the demands being made on them.

    I agree with your final 2. I may skip all of the episodes until we get there. Save some frustration.

    On a different topic, are you watching nuAlias, aka "Covert Affairs" on USA? Good summer fun.
