Just because a lot of TV is stupid doesn't mean we have to be.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

So You Think You Can Dance: Parting will be such sweet sorrow

As frustrating and annoying as last season’s So You Think You Can Dance was, this season is fabulous and thrilling. My goodness what dancing. What nice kids. And what lunacy on the judges’ panel.

Last night, the six dancers had an all-star pairing, an each-other pairing, and a solo. I loved almost all of it. Let’s begin.

Guest judge tonight is the terrifying Amazonian ballroom expert Toni Redpath. Everything about this woman scares me. I’d love to put her and Cat Deeley into a steel cage and watch what happens.

First up is Kent and Anya, doing a Jean-Marc and France cha cha. This will be Kent’s second cha cha. In the first one, if you recall, Anya won. This time around, that clever Jean-Marc and the almost-always-silent France have cleverly created a dance in which Kent is supposed to be all naïve and young and inexperienced, and Hot-For-Teacher Anya is going to show him a thing or two. Except by the end of this most excellent routine (already downloading that song), Kent comes out on … top. Fabulous.

And now is when we pause to say, Mia Michaels, PLEASE SHUT UP. Seriously, you and your obsession with Kent’s facial expressions. Did you see Anya’s face during this routine? Half the time she looked like was at the dentist’s office, awaiting treatment for something painful. The depths of my dislike for Mia Michaels grows and grows.

Robert and the ever more lovely Kathryn get a Stacey Tookie contemporary about going off to war (big twist at the end – it’s the girl who leaves!). This was really gorgeous, but if we are going to be honest, it was because of Kathryn. Nigel talks about Robert’s amazing growth this season, which is in direct conflict with what he said last week about Robert not growing enough, which simply proves my point that really, the judges are full of crap.

Jose does an awesome solo. I love this kid. Not as much as my Legacy, but I love him.

Adechike and Courtney do an amazing Tyce jazz number that is just fabulously insane, and Adam Shankman loves it so much that he calls it “balls out dancing” and then realizes he is not supposed to say that on live TV. The guy manning the 3-second delay bleep button was immediately fired, I’m guessing.

Lauren does a solo that is both restrained and powerful and just beautiful. Final two, baby.

Jose and Comfort do a hip hop number by a couple Who Are Not Nappy-Tabs, and it’s set to Otis Redding and it is a blast to watch. Mia Michaels again proves she is utterly worthless. Dear Mia: Please get a real vocabulary. There are CDs you can buy. Best part? When Cat said to Jose, “Just don’t worry about it.”

Billy does a solo, Kent does a solo (to my beloved Elliott Yamin!!!). Because of the horrendous camera work (why do they bother with dress rehearsals and blocking?) I missed the little gimmick at the end of Billy’s dance, and had to go back after Cat mentioned it. Oh, and Kent will win.

Lauren and Allison do a Tyce Broadway number, it’s the first hot girl-on-girl action ever on SYTYCD, and I am underwhelmed because I am not a fan of Broadway in general.

The best part of this whole number is that Nigel refers to the show as American Idol, which Cat points out, and which is hilarious because it came out this week that Nigel might be going back to Idol, and he’d like to fire all the judges. Ha! Paging Dr. Freud.

Robert does a solo. He’s going home tonight.

Billy and Ade get a Stacey contemporary, about a business man and a homeless man, which Phil Collins once wrote a pop song about, and in the beginning there is so much going on, dancing-wise, that it’s almost too much. But then when they come together as partners, it is gorgeous.

Adechike solos. That guy can jump higher than anyone.

Jose and Kent get a Spencer Liff Broadway number, and I like this, they are two guys just girl watching on the street and it fits them perfectly. I love these two together. When Jose goes home tonight, I’m going to be sad.

Lauren and Adechike do a Jean-Marc and Silent France fox trot which I find very dull.

Then Billy and Robert close the show with Bollywood, which, ugh to begin with, I am so over this genre. Secondly, remember when Twitch and Joshua did that Russian number together and it was so masculine and awesome and magnificent? This was none of that. The judges swoon. I am blinded by all the sequins and, well, all that they imply and I hate it.

So, I think Robert and Jose will go home. I wish it were Billy and Robert, but I don’t think it will be. How about you? What do you think?


  1. Adam is the only judge that gives any constructive criticism. I like him. Mia Michael's just loves to hear her self talk and I am so sick of her. I do like all the dancers but am pulling for a Kent and Lauren final two. (Would I still like Lauren so much if she wasn't the only girl left, not sure, but I think so). I don't think they give Adechike enough credit and I think they give Robert too much. He always gets the emotionally charged subjects to dance to. Give those judges any dances with a child/parent theme, or cancer or death/dying etc and they drool all over it. Give Jose a dance about his puppy getting run over by a car and maybe the judges will finally have something positive to say to him.

  2. I can't stand the judging this year! I think Jose and Adechike will go home tonight. It's time for Jose, though I too love him and will be very sad to see his sweet face no more. The judges have been harping on Adechike from the beginning, complaining that they can see how strong he is when he dances. What? I can't take my eyes off of him. He moves like a jungle cat. Whatever. They love Robert. I don't think they'll send him home.

  3. In the Thursday ep, the music used was labelled as the song "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" but it sounded more like the theme from "The Magnificent Seven". The all-star-partner format this year gives us less screen time from each contestant and so gives us less data to choose our own favorite(s) from.

