Just because a lot of TV is stupid doesn't mean we have to be.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

America's Got Talent? Well, some of them anyway

So last night was the beginning of the end on America's Got Talent, and really, after all that - all the cities, all the auditions, all the buzzing, all the Howie - this was the best they could do?

I actually agree with Captain Germaphobe, when he said at the conclusion of the rather boring two hours that two performers stepped up delivered. As for the rest, well, as I like to say: meh.

I thought Michael Grimm did a somewhat good job with a song that required very little talent (You Can Leave Your Hat On, performed with overweight strippers in the background). At least he had tonality, and at least he made the notes. Oh, and the whole IV thing always adds drama.

The other one who was great - and may be a dark horse in this competition - was Prince Poppycock, who was wise enough to leave the opera behind and go mainstream with Bohemian Rhapsody. He really did give ol' Freddie Mercury a run for his money and that was terrific.

As for the rest - like I said, meh. Future Funk is cute but honestly, they can't dance. The fire magician is seriously the biggest fraud I've ever seen. That Goth magician was so lame I actually felt bad for him. The boy singer Taylor and the girl singer from YouTube and the cystic fibrosis sisters were all so off key that again, they evoked feelings of pity.

Even my sweet kite boy, Connor Doran, who was brought back by Howie in the wild card round, was disappointing. I'm not sure why, since I love that Fireflies song and I love that kid, but it was, dare I repeat myself? - meh.

The rock wall dancers were also not as good as they have been. And really, that woman needs to stop weeping.

As for the electric band nerd guys, well, I just don't get it. And I certainly would not pay money to watch them.

The ballroom dancers are quite good, but honestly, they creep me out. It's like they are 65 years old, trapped in tween bodies. Like in Cocoon.

I watched this show with my parents and sister last night since we are all on the Cape together, trapped in a monsoon, and their beloved Red Sox were finally, mercifully rained out. For two hours I endured endless mocking for being a fan of AGT. I guess based on the quality of last night's performances, the mocking was deserved. What did you think?

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