Last night's So You Think You Can Dance reinforced all my beliefs of this season - except one - and underscored my desire to smack Mia Michaels in the head. Except now I'd like to use Tyce D'Orio to do it. Seriously, can those two just go back to junior high and start over?
The one belief I have that got a tad shaky last night during the Top 4's performances is that the final two will be Lauren and Kent. Of course it will be Kent (and he will win) but now I'm not so sure about Lauren. After Robert's two great dances last night - and the judges' near unanimous swooning every time - I'm thinking the gangly "prince" might just be giving Lauren a run for her money.
Of course tonight we will say goodbye to Adechike. The judges tolled his bell after his second performance, and his tearful and heartful expression of gratitude showed that he knows it too ... and is fine with it.
While I agree that it is an excellent top 4, I did not think it was excellence across the board last night. Let's review, shall we?
We open with a group Tyce Broadway number - Guys and Dolls, except there was only Lauren. Meh.
Then Lauren and Pasha got a tango choreographed by a skinny and shiny couple, both of whom may have been named Leonardo. This dance was sloooooooow. And while I agree that it was great the way they were locked into each other, I sort of started equating sloooooow with booooooring. Judges swooned. Pasha is so hot when he dances and so not really hot when he just stands there. Kind of like Ellen Barkin.
Then we see what Lauren was like in high school, which is exactly like she is now.
Adechike and Lauren (all-star version Lauren) get an Afro-Jazz-Caribbean routine. The first half is OK, the second half is better and Mia again makes up a new word during her take-down of Adechike: "celebrational." Mia: You are an idiot.
Robert and Anya get a Viennese waltz choreographed by my beloved Jonathan Roberts from Dancing with the Stars!!! What!!! Yes!!!! Jonathan has put on a few pounds since DWTS, but he works magic with these two. As hot as I did not think Lauren's tango was, I think this waltz is. A hot waltz! Have you ever heard of such a thing? Fabulous.
Then we learn that Robert thinks his dumb stepdad is hilarious and he lives with the manly Channing from season 6. It's a small world.
Kent and Courtney get a Doriana Sanchez disco routine, and this worries me because I'm not sure Kent can do this. Luckily, Doriana dumbs it down a bit in terms of the insanity (which Nigel calls her out on) but there is still enough death-defying stuff to make it fun to watch. That last spin when he had her on his shoulders was something.
Then we learn that Kent is very Ohio and once loved soccer.
Lauren and Ade get a Sean Cheeseman jazz routine and all I can say is holy crap. Holy crap to her outfit. Holy crap to those moves. Holy, holy crap. That was amazing.
Adechike and Kathryn get a Desmond and Dwight routine and we certainly know this was not an accident, since Adechike has already told us Desmond is why he dances. It is nice they did this for him, and it's nice that Double D choreographed their routine just for Adechike. It's kind of a mess, but in a good way. I could watch that guy jump all day long.
Then we learn that Adechike grew up in a Spike Lee movie, and it was tough.
Then Robert and Dominick get a Nappy Tab routine that involves angry clowns. FABULOUS. Seriously. How great was that? Magnificent. This is why I think Robert might squeak his way into the finale. He is peaking at the right time.
When we think it can't get any better, Travis Wall does a a contemporary for Neil and Kent that is the closest man-to-man dancing ever on this show, and yet it is so masculine as to be breathtaking. I love this about SYTYCD this year - the embracing of same-sex dancing. This routine is spine-tingling. And luckily for us, it renders Mia wordless.
So, I have been saying Lauren and Kent for weeks, but now I'm thinking Robert and Kent, and of course Kent is going to win, win, win. What do you think?
I don't know what it is about Robert, but I just can't love him the way the judges do. He is a good dancer and he is handsome, but there is just something about him...can't quite get on board with him. I don't know anything about dancing at all, so what I go by when watching the show is which dancer draws my attention the most. When Robert and Dominic were dancing, I couldn't take my eyes off of Dominic. So when the judges raved about Robert outdancing him, I was surprised. I think they are all great dancers, though, so won't be disappointed no matter who wins, but I did dial in (for the first time this season) yesterday for Kent and Lauren.