Just because a lot of TV is stupid doesn't mean we have to be.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Amazing Race 17: History In The Making?

There was no dramatic tension in last night's penultimate episode, since we knew the Dumbs were never going to catch up. In the news biz, we call them a non-story.

So with the final three determined right from the opening shot of the show, it simply became a question of who would be first?

We went from Hong Kong to South Korea, and who other than me got so tired of all the verbal flogging of the "danger" of being near North Korea? Jeepers, folks. I'm pretty sure that six Americans plus their camera crews did not put Kim Jong-il on high alert. Talk about fake drama.

So they get there, and they raft down the river and then take a Humvee drive to the Army base and then have to find the matching headband among 200 very fit soldiers and the the World Cup Stadium, and then speed skating (except not) and then Phil!

The Melons are first but they have a penalty because they took a taxi, so the Firsts are first, the Melons are second and the Docs are third. So there is a very real chance that an all-female team will win AR for the first time in 17 seasons. Which, in our little corner of the world, is kind of a big deal. Not as big a deal as the tensions between South and North Korea, but still ...


  1. I want an all female team to win so badly! I do not care which one of the two, but I prefer the Melonheads. I find The Firsts uninteresting. Could they be any more bland? I cannot imagine how they made it through the casting process.

  2. The first plane to Seoul left at 12:25 am. The 1300-mile trip should have had them landing around 3 am. But when the three teams leave the airport, it's after sunrise. What were they doing for 90-120 minutes? Was surprised that all the teams chose skating over delivering - and then were so BAD at it. Am fine with any of the three remaining teams winning the million.
