Just because a lot of TV is stupid doesn't mean we have to be.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Project Runway: Jackie Ohhhhh

I have to say I am digging the 90-minute format for Project Runway this season because we get so much more Tim Gunn for our buck, and wasn't Mr. Gunn just a barrel of bon mots during last night's episode?

"Jackie Kennedy never wore a camel toe"?

"It was your Waterloo"?

(And this is why I am sad that Michael D. went instead of that stiff Andy: Because Michael D. looked at Tim, said "I know!" and then followed that with, "And now I have to go look that up." Rim shot!

The Jackie Kennedy (why the complete avoidance of the Onassis portion of her program, I wonder?) challenge was fabulous because a) I love when the kids of today have to go back in time and acknowledge that stuff actually happened prior to the advent of Skype and b) because when you say something general to this group, like, oh, "Sportswear," you end up with everything from a cocktail dress to a leather pencil skirt. Times like this, I miss Casanova.

Side note: January Jones is a dud. On Saturday Night Live. On Project Runway. A dud.

I did love Mondo's outfit (both his own and his design - and really, don't you want to meet Mondo's parents? Are they the Addamses?). I'm glad he won, I love the way his mind works. And I don't know what his little bathing suit and jacket looked like in real life last week, but I thought the judges were way mean to him.

I thought Michael D. deserved to be in the bottom but did not deserve to go home. It should've been Andy, he of the giant ego and zero sense of humor. I cannot stand that guy. Plus, those pants were atrocious.

My two favorites this season are Mondo and Michael C., although I think there is no clear favorite as in past seasons. I am loving the judges - Heidi is beyond brutal - most of the guests are good (Miss Jones excepted), and the challenges have been terrific.

How about you? Are you enjoying this go-round?


  1. Heidi is unreal - she is just not holding back. And poor January. At one point she was praising Christopher (lovely Christopher) and when Kors dissed it she was all "oooo, you're right, I have to be in Mad Men to make sense, I'll shut up now...at least I got a boyfriend out of that SNL appearance". She knew she was going on TV, right? Like...comb your hair? Maybe a little chapstick?
    I want Ivy and Valerie gone. In fact, I want all the women gone. I hate all of them, including April, who just WHINES. Why do all the women have such affected voices? Bottom line: I don't care yet who wins. I just hope it's one of the guys.

  2. why didn't any of them make a pillbox hat??

  3. Mondo really is my favorite and I agree with you I didn't think his bathing suit and jacket deserved the level of criticism it got. He has been a consistent achiever and I like his wacky color combinations. I love Christopher Collins' name. It sounds like s designer label as in, "it's a lovely swimsuit from the Christopher Collins collection". I just wish he made more interesting things. His dress this week was fab but that shamata he called a shrug? Oy veh! (to continue with the yiddish). I loved Valerie in the beginning but she seems to have lost her way. Gretchen drives me crazy and I loved Tim Gunn's set down of her after the group challenge. Tim Gunn, Tim Gunn, Tim Gunn! Mr Fabulous has been so great this season. What about the party store challenge when he was hysterical with the "balls" accessory that one contestant had? This season has been so entertaining. I am loving it.
